Happiness Elementary School in Muan, Jeollanamdo > 포트폴리오

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A company that makes space for you, Miso Co., Ltd


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a company that designs life as an art.

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    Writer 최고관리자
  • Writing date 22-12-06 15:26
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Happiness Elementary School in Muan, Jeollanamdo

Graphic design was inserted on each floor with the four seasons of Muan, and the corridor part expressed Muan's attractions. The cafeteria, library, lobby, play space, and reading space are uniquely expressed, and play elements are added to each element such as floor play, auditorium climbing, design slide & climbing. Differentiated senses and designs can stimulate children's imagination through space creation, and aesthetic sense can be stimulated through popping colors.
Abstract Interior work centered on interior of elementary school
Ordering organization Jeollanamdo Office of Education
Construction company Miso, Dongrim Construction, and 5 other companies
Location 38 Oryong Jungang-dong-ro, Ilro-eup, Muan-gun, Jeollanamdo
Scope (Form) Interior
Date of construction 2020.05.20 ~ 2021.01.20